0.2 Connecting numeracy and mathematics

Referring back to your weekly learning outcomes, by the end of this topic, you will be able to:

  • interrogate the difference between numeracy and mathematics.

Activity: Connecting numeracy and mathematics

Reflective prompt: Look at the following Venn diagrams showing different representations of the relationship between numeracy and mathematics. Which diagram do you most relate to and why? How else could you represent the relationship between numeracy and mathematics?
Five different types of Venn Diagrams. 1) Numeracy and mathematics are mutually exclusive. 2) Numeracy is equal to mathematics. 3) Numeracy and mathematics intersect and overlap. 4) Mathematics encompasses numeracy. 5) Numeracy encompasses mathematics.

Figure 1. Relationship between numeracy and mathematics (n.d.) <source unknown>

What does it mean to be a 'numerate' person?

A numerate person has the ability to use and apply mathematics in a range of contexts outside the mathematics classroom. Visit Evidence base to read more about defining numeracy, and connecting numeracy and mathematics.

Reflective prompt: Can you be numerate without having a good conceptual understanding of mathematics?